Eagle's Nest Open House Register Here the Eagle's Nest Open House Eagle's Nest Mrs. Heather Taylor, TC Eagle's Nest Director, shares with reporters at 13abc what the opening of the new building means to so many of us here at TC. It for sure is a dream come true and a place for our littlest of eagles to call their own. Show Transcript welcome inside the 13c marketplace my name is Eric Halbert well outside of Disneyland you don't often see dreams come true but that's exactly what's happening a little closer to home in South Toledo for 1 local school we learn more inside today is 13 ABC Marketplace I cannot believe how far we've come this was formerly Zion United Methodist Church and we purchased this building in 2023 and we've spent the last year and a half getting it ready so my name is Heather Taylor and I am the Eagles Nest director here at Toledo Christian to be honest this is sort of a dream come true for me I have had a vision of this for a really long time being able to have a large playroom where they can have all of their socio dramatic play where they can move where they can grow where they can combine age groups and be able to move um we just didn't have the space so this has really been a huge dream come true for me it's it's the vision we've had for a long time getting to see this Vision come to life it's hard to put words into it sorry cuz you know this age group is I think it's a little lost in our current culture and it's so vital they say something like 85% of brain development is completed before the age of 5 and so we can't afford to let this age group get lost in the shuffle so to have a place that can be wholly theirs and created to meet their needs is really is a dream come true for me I I cannot believe how supportive uh people have been with their time their talent their resources uh the neighborhood neighbors have come out to welcome us and they're all so excited that we're going to keep the church bells going they go off at noon and 600 which has been I guess a big deal for this neighborhood and they're all really excited that we're going to be able to continue that so we're located super conveniently at the corner of Anthony Wayne Trail and Copeland we are just a quarter of a mile down the road from our main campus so that's really exciting for our families inside the 13 ABC Marketplace I'm Eric Halbert Print