

The TC Bike-a-thon has been one of the largest and long-standing fundraisers for Toledo Christian. For over 35 years, it has been a fun day of biking for all of our elementary students and a time of fellowship and community for all of our current parents, former parents, grandparents, and friends of TC who come out to volunteer, ride with the students, and encourage the bikers. Funds raised through the bike-a-thon go toward the Eagle 1 Fund.  


One of the highlights of the year is our annual auction. All school families and community friends are invited to bid on a wide array of unique items. It’s a night that you do not want to miss. The focus of the auction is to raise funds for the Barnabas Fund. The Barnabas Fund was established to make Toledo Christian financially available to Christian families from various incomes and to provide temporary relief to families incurring financial hardships. This program allows families to apply for reduced tuition that is right for their family’s financial situation. The Barnabas Fund is awarded through our variable tuition program. This makes an education at Toledo Christian affordable to many qualified students who could not otherwise attend TC.  Any family (current or new) with a kindergarten through 12th grade student may apply for Variable Tuition if they are concerned about affording the tuition at Toledo Christian and they think they may qualify for the program. Many factors are considered when determining the tuition amount a family is able to pay, including income, assets, unusual expenses, and the size of the family.